The Property is located north of Downtown Flint, just off Interstate 475, and is surrounded by a mix of uses, including residential, commercial and industrial. A city of about 100,000 people, Flint is within an hour’s drive of both Detroit and Lansing, the state capital, and recently has experienced a spike in economic development, including two new jobs-producing manufacturing investments at Buick City — by American Spiralweld Pipe Co., a maker of pipeline infrastructure for water projects, and Lear Corporation, a Fortune 200 company and Tier 1 automotive seat supplier. Environmental activities at the Property are ongoing and being carried out so as not to delay or disrupt redevelopment and reuse. RACER, working under the supervision of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and U.S. EPA, retains its environmental responsibilities even after a property is sold, including long-term environmental monitoring and maintenance.